

August 2015

Find us on Facebook

We now have a Barrington Heights page. All members are encouraged to contribute by posting BH photos and stories of interest to our community.


Recruiting announcement

The Barrington Heights Association of Homeowners, of which you are a member, currently is recruiting Committee Volunteers. If you are interested in working side by side with your neighbors and your Board for the betterment of your Homeowner’s Association then we’d like to hear from you.

Below is a list of the committees with openings:

  • Directory Committee
  • Holiday Lighting Committee
  • Landscape Committee
  • Newsletter Committee
  • Maintenance Committee

Please consider donating some of your time, your knowledge and your expertise. We know you’ll enjoy a worthwhile and positive experience. Contact: Stacy Bloos.


Contact update announcement

Attention all BH members, please take a moment to update your contact information. Please GO to the Contact Us page and provide us with your name(s), email address and street address. This information will only be seen by BH administration and will not be shared or sold to any other party. Sample: grace cargni email: 3565 Riverknoll Way.


Upcoming meeting dates

  • 8/4/15 Board Meeting
  • 9/1/15 Board Meeting
  • 10/6/15 Board Meeting